martes, 18 de octubre de 2016

Why do I study Journalism

Hi! Is nice to know somethings about you guys. Last week I told you that I'm in second year of Journalism at Universidad de Chile, but you have to know that not always I wanted to study this career. 

When I was at school, I prefer humanist asignatures, like history, art or music. I love english because of my teacher in that years, but I never felt good to write any kind of things. Also, I never took a book to read, it was very difficult to me. So, for this reasons I never thougth to study something that required this activities. When I was a little girl, I dream to study cloth desing or architecture because I was good at drawing, but when the years passed I forguet this ideas. 

At the age of 18 I already search for careers that interest me, and I discovered that communications were my thing. I wanted to communicate, but I didn't know how. In that time, Cinema and Television seems a great option to me, but at last hour, when I have to put the first option, I decided for Journalism, Why? I believe that Journalism could  be more flexible and dynamic and could open more doors for me in the future. 

Well, if you ask me how do I feel right now in my career, I can say I'm great because I made very good friends and we all together enjoy the classes, even if I'm not agree with the administration of the university. 

I always tried not to thing about what I'm going to do when I'm graduate, All people say that Journalism is a beautiful career but is not good for earn money. At this moment, I'm writing for a website that talks about music, artists, bands and concerts, and I really like it. I think I will work writing about culture topics, like movies, theatre plays, events, etc.  

That's all for today. I hope to see you soon. Bye. XOXO.


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