martes, 25 de octubre de 2016

My favourite piece of techonology

Hi! Today I'm going to talk to you about my favourite piece of technology. When I was a little girl I never had consolas or games for my computer. My parents didn't like that kind of entertainment. Instead, I used to read books of magic, play with my dog or make small figures of plaster in my yard. But when I grew up, I received my firt cellphone. In that moment I was really excited about that, even if it was ugly and old. But, at the age of 17, my father gave me a new cellphone and right now I can tell you it is my favourite piece of technology and my best friend. I'm really thankfull about this gift because in that moment I didn't have anything to comunicate with my friends or my family and I needed it for my school works or my studies. Also, I use my cellphone to see my photos on Instagram, write about things on my Facebook or juts listen to music. In these cases, I  use it a lot in the day, I can't even count them. I'm always with it in my backpack or my pocket. I like it because it is comfortable, it has a good screen with brilliant colours and a really good camera, so I can take beautiful photos. Now, if you ask me how my life would be like without it, I have to answer it would be very boring at first but I can get used to it.

That's all, I hope to know about you soon. See you, bye bye. XOXO


martes, 18 de octubre de 2016

Why do I study Journalism

Hi! Is nice to know somethings about you guys. Last week I told you that I'm in second year of Journalism at Universidad de Chile, but you have to know that not always I wanted to study this career. 

When I was at school, I prefer humanist asignatures, like history, art or music. I love english because of my teacher in that years, but I never felt good to write any kind of things. Also, I never took a book to read, it was very difficult to me. So, for this reasons I never thougth to study something that required this activities. When I was a little girl, I dream to study cloth desing or architecture because I was good at drawing, but when the years passed I forguet this ideas. 

At the age of 18 I already search for careers that interest me, and I discovered that communications were my thing. I wanted to communicate, but I didn't know how. In that time, Cinema and Television seems a great option to me, but at last hour, when I have to put the first option, I decided for Journalism, Why? I believe that Journalism could  be more flexible and dynamic and could open more doors for me in the future. 

Well, if you ask me how do I feel right now in my career, I can say I'm great because I made very good friends and we all together enjoy the classes, even if I'm not agree with the administration of the university. 

I always tried not to thing about what I'm going to do when I'm graduate, All people say that Journalism is a beautiful career but is not good for earn money. At this moment, I'm writing for a website that talks about music, artists, bands and concerts, and I really like it. I think I will work writing about culture topics, like movies, theatre plays, events, etc.  

That's all for today. I hope to see you soon. Bye. XOXO.


martes, 11 de octubre de 2016

My autobiography

Hi! I'm going to talk you about me and some things of my life so you can know me better. 

Well, my name is Valentina Aravena Valdebenito. I'm 19 years old, but my birthday is on November 26th, so I'm going to turn 20 soon. At the moment I'm in second year of Journalism at Universidad de Chile and I like it very much. I was born in Providencia, but right now I live in Maipú with my mother, Alejandra, my little sister, Martina and my dog, Luna. I use to go out a lot, so I barely see them. But when I'm at home, we watch some movies or series at Netflix (we love it, it's the truth), cook something delicious or talk about us and our things. 

About my relationship with my father, Alex, I have to say it has been improving with in the years. Today I can say I love him and I like to spend time with him and my half-brother, Xabi. Also, in my free time, I usually go to my boyfriend's house, José, or we just go to a park, drink some icecream and watch the people with their puppies. He studies at the same university than me, so we see each other a lot. That's in the day, but in the night we often by tickets to see musical bands playing their songs in different clubs in Santiago.

That's all for today, I hope to know something about you soon. XOXO
